On The Coast Physio @ Sechelt.Vancouver is open for in-person and Telehealth appointments for returning and new clients.
Home visits are available both on Sunshine Coast and in Vancouver, BC.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Sechelt |Vancouver
Updated recommendations as of April 6, 2023: BC Provincial Health Officer:
April 6, 2023: BC Public Health information:
NOTICE: "The provincial requirements for the use of face masks in all health care facilities and visitor restrictions have been lifted. Health care facilities are working to implement the changes. Please follow the precautions in place at each site."
Masks are optional in a medical clinic setting as per newest BC Health Officer orders. Please bring your own mask to your appointment if you would like to use one. The therapist will wear a mask if requested or a high risk conditions are identfied.
What to expect at the Clinic Visit?
To reduce the number of people in one space at any given time, you are asked to arrive no more than 5 minutes before your appointment time at the clinic.
If you are feeling unwell, please call to reschedule your appointment or change your appointment to a virtual session to maintain the health and well-being of all.
Clients with higher risk profiles and/or weakened immune systems could consider alternatives for care such as TeleHealth or a home visit.
A contactless payment terminal is available for payment and receipts will be delivered via email whenever possible.
Hand sanitizer is provided in the waiting room and treatment room for maintaining hand hygiene upon entry and before leaving the facility.
The treatment room/office and common areas are regularly cleaned and disinfected at all touch surfaces, including office and entrance door handles (inside and outside), treatment tables, and furniture.
How to prepare for a home visit?
In preparation for the home visit all the clients are asked to wash hands before the session begins. A therapist will come to your home with all the equipment needed and you just have to open the door!